Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction



United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
Government of Kenya
African Union Commission
Intergovernmental Authority on Development
logos of the organizers and the host country



The objectives of the Eighth Session of the Africa Regional Platform on DRR will be:

  • To review progress in the implementation of Sendai Framework and its Programme of Action in Africa, according to priorities identified in the outcome of the last Regional Platform and the High-Level meeting on DRR (Tunis Declaration) and in the Africa Common Position to the 2019 Global Platform for DRR;
  • To discuss and agree on the revised implementation matrix for the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa for the second phase, 2021-2025;
  • To discuss and agree on recommendations to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework in the continent.

Expected Outcome


  • Documented good practices and knowledge on disaster risk-informed policies, programmes and investments are shared, with a focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and recovery measures;
  • Multi-stakeholder and multi-sector partnerships are forged for increased disaster resilience;
  •  Progress is assessed in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR in the region;
  • The integration of disaster risk management in relevant sectors, particularly the health sector, is promoted for longer term resilience.


Key deliverables


The technical segment of the platform will result in key recommendations and guidance on the way forward including stakeholders’ voluntary commitments. The high-level segment will adopt the implementation matrix for the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa for the period 2021-2025, as well as a declaration in support of Member States commitments to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework and POA in the region.   The key outcome documents will include:

  • Stakeholder Voluntary Commitments registered and documented;
  • Ministerial Declaration;
  • Implementation Matrix for the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Africa for the period 2021-2025
