
Applying Risk Information for Transformative Governance

Risk information is a crucial foundation for effective risk governance as governments and organizations gain a deeper understanding of current and emerging threats and proactively aim to mitigate risks and build resilience. Despite global technological advances in generating information on all the dimensions of risk - hazard, vulnerability, exposure - and in statistics generation more broadly, many countries still face challenges in generating adequate risk information and making it accessible and usable to decision-makers. While there may be valuable risk data available at various levels, it is often not being effectively analysed and applied to understand multi-hazard systemic risks.

The role of effective governance in managing risks cannot be overstated. The Sendai Framework for DRR articulates the need for improved understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions and strengthening of disaster risk governance, including through national platforms for strengthened accountability for disaster risk management. The Framework outlines the importance of a clear coordination across sectors, as well as participation of relevant stakeholders as key for managing disaster risk. Further, the framework is intricately intertwined with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) given that both aim at promoting sustainable development by reducing vulnerabilities, building resilience and the well-being of communities. While the political declaration of the Sendai Framework Mid Term Review (SFMTR) acknowledges the progress in disaster risk governance especially at the local level, it calls upon governments to strengthen comprehensive disaster risk governance, considering their national circumstances, needs and priorities.

Given the urgency and relevance of this topic, the AfRP-9's first Plenary Session will review the application of risk information for transformative governance, by shedding light on best practices, challenges, gaps, and opportunities for more effective use of risk-information to guide decision making a policy setting in all sectors.



22 Oct 2024
10:00 - 11:30 (CAT+02 Africa/Windhoek)


Mercure Hotel

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Open to those registered for the conference




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